Oslo by Maren Morstad (Photography)
Maren Morstad’s photographs of Oslo are desolate and elegant: in them, Norway’s uninviting-yet-beautiful natural spaces become a sort of backdrop to tired dwellings and anonymous people. It's a wonderful vision of Oslo, which here seems sleepy and indolent (thought it most likely is not). Morstad’s vibrant colors have a familiar cinematic appeal, which gives these photographs the qualities of half-remembered movies, of daydreams.
“Already, he was dreaming of a refined solitude, a comfortable desert, a motionless ark in which to seek refuge from the unending deluge of human stupidity.” – Joris-Karl Huysmans, À Rebours
Maren Morstad is a creative artist born in Scandinavia, educated at Hyper Island, and after almost a decade of working in London and New York City, now back to her hometown of Oslo. While she is personally quite interested in living a minimalist life, she has a maximalist approach to her work process and feels most content when doing photography and being creative. Follow her work on Instagram and on her website.